Stories waiting to be written

School Visits
Book a workshop or assembly for your school

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Age groups
Available time slots​
Single sessions (1-2 hours)
Half day
Whole day
Signed copies can be arranged
Portway Junior School
"Francesca came into our school for two days to work with children in Key Stage 2. To kick off the day, she led an assembly [...] which engaged the children really well. In her workshops, Francesca helped the children to expand their imaginations and think outside of the box. They loved the opportunity to hone their creative writing skills."​
Year 6 Teacher
Ryde School
"We were lucky enough to have Francesca give up her time to appear in an assembly during our online teaching. Francesca read the opening chapter of The Firestone and had the children totally captivated. Thank you Francesca from everyone at Ryde."
Ed Marsden
Head of Prep
Portway Junior School
"During Francesca's visit, we had a very interesting assembly about her book series. After this, we had the fantastic opportunity to have a writing workshop with her. [...] Francesca gave us all kinds of tips and tricks to uplevel and improve our writing. We very much enjoyed having her come in to teach Year 5 and 6!"
James and Dylan, Year 6
Beaudesert Park School
"Francesca ran two very successful workshops with our Year 6 children. They loved hearing her read from The Firestone and enjoyed planning and writing their own stories, inspired by Francesca's work. Several children bought her book and have loved reading it. Thank you!"
Rachael Austen
Head of English
Rookwood School
"Francesca came to our school to work with our Y10/11 students and the whole KS2 department; the focus was on creative writing, inspired by her novels. [...] I would recommend Francesca to any school as she was kind, friendly and approachable and the children are keenly reading her books still."
Read full testimonial here. ​
Claire Abraham,Teacher
The King's School Gloucester
"It was great to have someone young and successful to talk to the students - Francesca really connected well with them. The students were clearly inspired by what Francesca said to them and many of them have bought
her book!"
L. Forrest
Head of English